MOOC “Semences végétales, quels enjeux pour notre avenir ?”
The “Plant Seeds, What are The Challenges Lying Ahead?” MOOC on seeds was designed and produced by the AGROCAMPUS OUEST college and GNIS, the French seed & plant inter-branch organisation, with the support of Agreenium.
This is the first online course focusing exclusively on plant seeds. This innovative blend of academic knowledge and field experience is open to everyone and free of charge. The “MOOC on seeds” is posted on the FUN MOOC benchmark network.
More than 60 experts, researchers and teachers, farmers, breeders, seed growers, gardeners, retailers, senators… have been involved, sharing their passion for their job and decoding, in simple words, the many aspects of seeds.
This is also the first time a single project deals with all seeds in their great complexity. With the “MOOC on seeds”, come and find out more about certified seeds, farm seeds, collaborative selection, seeds for organic and conventional farming…
With over 7,000 registrations, the 2019 spring season was highly successful. In the autumn of 2019, the MOOC on seeds takes on a new dimension: speakers have now been requested to use the discussion forum to interact directly with the students.

Company details
Company name: GNIS
Address: 44, Rue du Louvre
75001 PARIS
Tel : 0142337912
Website :