Machines and automation



Faced with a rapidly growing world population that is putting pressure on agricultural production, Aisprid's mission is to help Life flourish while supporting Human Beings, using high-precision robotics combined with artificial intelligence. In response to the labour shortage that farmers are facing, Aisprid designs, manufactures and markets autonomous robots...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Gold medal winner



VIROC is a tractor and tool carrier. Ranging in width from 90cm to 115cm depending on the mounting size, it can be used on any type of farm. It can be made even wider by adding twin wheels. It can be fitted with all kinds of tools: shredders, lifts, desuckering tools, skips, leaf strippers, intervines, sprayers, graders, mowers and crate carriers. Its...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Silver medal winner



Engels Machines, the manufacturer of the AspergeSpin and AspergeSpinTunnelSystem, which have revolutionised asparagus harvesting in Europe, introduces its latest invention: the EcoSpader 2030, an innovative and environmentally friendly asparagus ridger. The EcoSpader 2030 uses discs to consolidate the volume of soil available for the mound. It works the soil in...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Silver medal winner



A patented invention of a melon-picking head attached to a mechanical belt, followed by a "turnstile" to deposit the melons in the crates. This innovation eliminates the need for human carriers and requires only pickers. When picking melons, the technical work is done by the pickers, who must only pick the ripe melons, while the carrying job is painful and often...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Silver medal winner


Biobest France

Entomatic TM is an automatic spreader that distributes a wide variety of biological control agents quickly and evenly across a wide range of crops under cover. The system works regardless of the medium on which the auxiliaries are packed (bran, vermiculite, sawdust, buckwheat hulls, etc.) and is suitable for all predatory mites and auxiliaries marketed in pupa or...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



The AMA assistant is a lightweight electric stilt tool that can be configured to plant all kinds of vegetables, as well as for weeding and harvesting. It allows one or more operators to be transported to carry out manual operations in the most ergonomic way possible. The innovative aspect of the AMA is that it improves working conditions and is highly modular,...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



At the request of partners (manufacturers of robots, electric tractors, customers), BOISSELET has developed an electric system from different farming concepts for inter-plant work other than a simple weeder blade and for use in arboriculture and viticulture. Given the growing interest in mechanical weeding, BOISSELET has developed EVOLT®, a new ELECTRIC...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
2024 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



The Smart Cultivator enables precise hoeing around vegetable crops. It enables you to efficiently weed beds of vegetable crops such as lettuce, onions, cabbage, broccoli, celery, etc., optimise yields and productivity in your plots, optimise soil management and increase the productivity of market garden crops. It is based on an artificial intelligence system,...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2024



This new self-propelled electric planter is clearly aimed at helping market gardeners who diversified in planting rootballs. TERRATECK wanted to respond to a major challenge: how to mechanise rootball planting for small and medium-sized vegetable farms in a simple and affordable way? EZY-Plant is THE compact solution combining work rate, manoeuvrability, ease...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2024



TREFFLER's parallelogram weeder (THP series) features a patented design that enables the hoeing tools to be continuously and centrally adjusted as close as possible to the row of plants, saving considerable time. Thanks to rapid tool adjustment, users can improve weeding efficiency by reacting at any time to changing crop conditions. Excellence is not...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2024



The GrowSphere™ Irrigation and Fertigation Operating System (OS) is a revolutionary solution designed to optimise irrigation and fertilisation operations in agriculture. It is a comprehensive system that combines cutting-edge technology, data analytics and automation to maximise crop yields, minimise wasted resources and improve overall farm...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2024



With almost 20 years' experience for the Acolyte 150 and 150+ tractor-drawn high-clearance chassis, the new Acolyte III version has been designed considering the difficulties in recruiting experienced tractor drivers, and the need expressed by our customers for an easier management of working depth and soil monitoring. The design of the tool-carrier section has...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2024

Mobelec 3


La motobineuse électrique MOBELEC est une machine à 2 roues motrices capable de tracter toutes sortes d’outils de maraîchage, elle est dirigée par un opérateur à pied derrière la machine. Ses outils sont interchangeables en quelques secondes par une seule personne. ELATEC a mis l’accent sur la modularité et une simplicité d’utilisation...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation



L'Octopus de NBLOSI est une plateforme de récolte destinée à l'arboriculture. Devant la volonté d'accroître l'ergonomie, la sécurité et le rendement, l'Octopus a été conçue pour permettre de travailler en toute sécurité avec un nivellement latéral (devers) et longitudinal (pentes). En matière d'ergonomie, la machine permet de travailler avec trois...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation



La mise en bottes est très souvent fastidieuse et fatigante, n’est-ce pas ? C’est pourquoi, TERRATECK a conçu sa nouvelle récolteuse électrique OptiBotte destinée à l’assistance de mise en bottes, offrant ainsi une alternative à la coupe et mise en bottes totalement manuelles. En effet, celle-ci s’adapte particulièrement au maraichage...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation

Tondeuse d’oignons Grimme VT


La nouvelle tondeuse d'oignons Grimme " VT" est équipée d'un nouveau système de gestion de profondeur automatique developpé pour limiter les endommagements d'oignons lors de leur tonte au champ. Grâce à son fonctionnement sous Isobus et à ses capteurs angulaires, la tondeuse d'oignons VT permet une gestion intelligente des entrées et sorties de lignes...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation

DryGair DG-X

Ets Jolly

DryGair est fier de lancer son tout nouveau déshumidificateur mobile, DryGair DG-X. Dernier né de la gamme, l’unité compacte et connectée DG-X permet dorénavant d’accompagner vos cultures en bi-tunnel, chambre propagation, chambre de culture et fermes urbaines. Le chauffage et la ventilation, sont inefficaces pour maintenir des conditions climatiques...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation

Planteuse PlantTape


La planteuse PlantTape est l’outil le plus avancé, le plus efficace et le plus adaptable pour le semis, la culture en pépinière et le repiquage des cultures. Conçue par des agriculteurs, la planteuse offre la fiabilité et la précision dont ils ont besoin. 100% mécanisée elle est très simple d’utilisation. Du semis à la plantation...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation

Magic Dimension

Ortomec srl

Le marché est de plus en plus exigeant, les consommateurs sont de plus en plus attentifs. En maraîchage, et notamment dans le secteur de la IV gamme, la récolte de jeunes pousses de même hauteur est désormais un besoin primordial qui a lancé un défi chez les différents producteurs. La société italienne ORTOMEC a réagi immédiatement et a mis à...
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Sectors :
Category : Machines and automation