Cucumber Georgia

Bayer Seeds SAS

Georgia: endurance, yield and confidence

Georgia is a summer and autumn cucumber variety with intermediate resistance to CGMMV and is adapted to traditional and high wire crops.

The plant, the fruit:

– A high yield potential combined with one of the best behaviours against CGMMV on the market

– A medium to strong vigour, ideal for summer and autumn crops

– A hardy variety, ensuring production until the end of the crop

– Easy to work with, regular axillary development

– Good quality and uniform fruit throughout the season

– A complete resistance package: high resistance to powdery mildew and intermediate resistance to CGMMV

Resistance :



Sectors :
Category : Innovation variétale
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2022

Company details

Company name: Bayer Seeds SAS

Address: 16, rue Jean-Marie Leclair CS 80123
69266 Lyon Cedex 09

Tel : 0811 71 2000