Over the course of the last decade, the chestnut market has changed radically, with a significant increase in the demand for nuts meeting requirements specific to processing, that are different from the criteria applicable to the fresh product market: peelability, post-processing taste, smaller size, lower buying price.
France’s current chestnut imports are level with the domestic production, with the processing industry as a main outlet. Consequently, there is a real opportunity and calls from the entire chestnut sector (producers, cooperatives, processors and food manufacturers) for a new variety. With this in mind, INRA, CTIFL and Invenio reviewed their assessment criteria to match the sector’s demands and browsed through all the hybrids created as part of a chestnut variety selection programme, in search of the one variety that features all the desired characteristics. An application has since been filed under the name ‘Bellefer®’ (first ever application for a chestnut variety).
Benefits of this variety:
– very good processing qualities: peeling tests have shown a 95% yield and highlighted a very good compatibility with common processes
– great flavours: tasting panels described them as both sweet and tasty.
– good crop potential: over 5To./ha in tenth leaf.
– resistance to ink disease
– moderate sensitivity to canker and chestnut gall wasp

Company details
Company name: INRA- CTIFL- INVENIO
Address: Domaine de la Grande Ferrade CS 20032 71 Avenue Edouard Bourlaux
Tel : 0557122550
Website : http://www.invenio-fl.fl