POMME LUBEE® Gradictive(cov)
Gradictive (cov) is a new apple variety resulting from the hybridisation and selection programme carried out by GRADILIS Recherche.
Gradictive (cov) is a yellow apple with a “rustic” look and a very high level of taste quality. It is crispy and juicy, with a sugar content of 16° to 18° Brix and aromas reminiscent of exotic fruit.
This apple combines the modern taste sought after by the younger generation with the look of a local apple.
Gradictive (cov) is resistant to scab. Its resistance to 3 strains of scab was demonstrated by controlled inoculation with the disease. This test was also supported by the presence of several resistance markers in the variety’s genes, notably RVi6 and RVi13.
Gradictive (cov) is not very attractive to ash aphids and has good tolerance to powdery mildew.
This variety is highly productive and flowers regularly.
Harvesting takes place 7 to 10 days after Golden, and the fruit is of a uniform size on the tree, with a lovely golden yellow colour.
These agronomic characteristics make it a good candidate for low input growing methods.
In terms of orchard management, Gradictive (cov) trees have an open growth habit (type 3) and a tendency to produce short branches.
In the nursery, the trees are produced in Ypsilon®, making it easier to set up a 2D orchard and thus increasing the speed at which production and productivity start.
Gradictive (cov) is developed exclusively by the Cardell / Innatis group under the Lubee® brand and produced in Organic Agriculture.
Manufacturer's details
Company name : GRADILIS Recherche SARL
Address : Mas de Cannes
34130 Mudaison
Website : https://gradilis.com/gradilis-recherche/

Company details
Company name: GRADILIS Pépinières SAS
Address: Mas de Cannes
34130 Mudaison
Tel : 0467296006
Website : https://gradilis.com