

To grow, plants naturally consume CO2. When they die, this carbon is released by the action of micro-organisms and returns to the atmosphere. This is why 17.3% of greenhouse gas emissions in the world come from the decomposition of biomass and deforestation.
To reduce these emissions, the challenge is to trap carbon from this biomass so that it is not released into the atmosphere. After 3 years of R&D, Florentaise has developed a material that enables 95% of the carbon from plants to be stored: GREENCHAR®
GREENCHAR® is a soil improver which is essentially intended to compensate for difficult growing conditions. One of the major features is the high exchange surface that enables the chemical element to be stored. Purification effect which could be obtained with activated carbon. In intensive vegetable farming, improved yields of 10 to 25% have been observed.

Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2017

Company details

Company name: Florentaise

Address: Le Grand Pâtis
44850 Saint-Mars-Du-Désert

Tel : 0240774444

Website :