Graines VOLTZ - VOLTZ Maraîchage
FORTILARGERO® F1 basil is a Genovese type and aroma basil variety with a high tolerance to the various mildew races present in France. At the heart of the season, this high tolerance enables it to avoid developing the brownish spots symptomatic of the disease and which prevent the product from being marketed. This high tolerance to the disease therefore gives the FORTILARGERO® F1 basil a high yield potential compared to more sensitive varieties. The same applies to organic crops: FORTILARGERO® F1 is also available as organic seeds. Its high tolerance to mildew is a great advantage for organic producers whose production and yield are often affected by mildew attacks.
In addition, FORTILARGERO® F1 has all the characteristics of the Genovese type: its stems are about forty centimetres high and have large, curved, dark green, highly scented leaves. The flowering is slow to start, which makes it possible to obtain a beautiful presentation of the product at harvest time. Three harvests per season are possible, either manually or by mechanical harvesting.
FORTILARGERO® F1 is versatile: it can be marketed in pots or fresh, as well as for the industry. FORTILARGERO® F1 can be grown in fields in a warm and loose soil (3-year rotation), under cover and/or hydroponically. In the open field, the FORTILARGERO® F1 basil can be grown in 80 days at a temperature above 20°C. In greenhouse, for marketing in pots, the growing period is 45 days.

Company details
Company name: Graines VOLTZ - VOLTZ Maraîchage
Address: 17, rue Lavoisier - Z.A. La Perrière
Tel : 0241545710
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